Categories: Alumni

A night to celebrate Bob Day

The School community celebrated the establishment of the Bob Day Student Center and the Bob Day Student Support Fund.

Expanding the scope of practice: 2020 Distinguished Alumnus James E. Knoben

James Knoben, PharmD ’71, MPH, was named the 2020 UCSF Pharmacy Alumni Association Distinguished Alumnus of the Year.

Pharmacy alumna provides lifeline to displaced residents in aftermath of fire

When the Camp Fire roared through Paradise, CA, last November, the staff of Paradise Drug, a community pharmacy owned and operated by UCSF School of Pharmacy alumna Janet Balbutin, PharmD ’68, didn’t hesitate: they heroically saved a server containing patient data, and went on to provide pharmacy...

Donors unite to honor Toby Herfindal and his commitment to innovation in pharmacy

The Toby Herfindal Presidential Chair for Entrepreneurship and Innovation will be used to support faculty members and/or graduate students in the UCSF School of Pharmacy

School reflects on legacy of achievement at Alumni Weekend 2019

Students, faculty, staff, and alumni celebrated the School of Pharmacy's long history of achievement in the discovery and clinical sciences, and clinical practice, at Alumni Weekend 2019.

Dong receives Daniel B. Smith Practice Excellence Award for exceptional career

Dong is a world expert on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis C medication therapy

Demanding change: 2019 Distinguished Alumnus Glen L. Stimmel, PharmD

“Challenging the status quo leads to very good things,” said Glen L. Stimmel, PharmD ’72, who has spent a career doing just that. As a motto, it has served him, and his profession, quite well.

Remembering Robert D. Gibson

A beloved educator and alumnus of the UCSF School of Pharmacy, Robert D. Gibson, PharmD ’58, died on July 19 at the age of 93. Gibson had an illustrious career over five decades at UCSF and was a strong national leader for diversity in the pharmacy profession.

Showcasing School science and change at Alumni Weekend 2018

Sessions include: quickly identifying molecules that show potential as drugs; improving access and treatments for AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis; why curiosity and imagination are taking the place of memorization the PharmD curriculum. Honoring the Class of 1968. Kennedy receives Distinguished...

Kennedy delivers Alumnus of the Year Award address at Alumni Weekend pharmacy gala

On June 2, 2018, Kathleen B. Kennedy, PharmD ’78, received the 2018 Distinguished Alumnus of the Year Award from the UCSF Pharmacy Alumni Association, for her “outstanding contributions to the profession of pharmacy, to society, and/or to UCSF.”
