Topics and Expertise: scope of practice

Update from the Dean – March 2018

A new PharmD curriculum; Implementing new practice opportunities for pharmacists; PharmD students shine in state and national clinical pharmacy competitions; A pioneer in pharmacogenomics; The NIH streak lives on; Improving adverse event reporting and medication therapy protocols; Big-data to cut...

Advanced practice pharmacists are ready

Pharmacists are going to be more integral to health care teams in the future.

Let pharmacists empower patients and save lives

How do we give patients ready access to the expertise of pharmacists? How do we empower patients with medication knowledge?

David Adler: Expanding and enhancing pharmacy education and practice

It was fortuitous that David Adler, PharmD ’70, began his studies at the UCSF School of Pharmacy in the fall of 1966, precisely when UCSF Medical Center’s Ninth Floor Project went into action. That project’s unprecedented placement of pharmacists on a UCSF hospital ward—providing their drug...

Guglielmo comments on pharmacy education

Learning how to solve problems and think critically—using course content as the vehicle to apply these skills—is one evolving goal of the UCSF School of Pharmacy doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) curriculum, according to the School’s dean, B. Joseph Guglielmo PharmD, in an interview posted April 12, 2016...