Application Process

Our application process consists of 4 steps:

  1. Meet our minimum eligibility requirements
  2. Complete the application
  3. If invited, participate in our interview process
  4. After applying

A message from the Office of Student Affairs

Although our application process is exacting, it is not an impossible task, and we happily offer assistance if you require it. However, each year some applicants are disqualified because they do not pay close attention to the application instructions or because they fail to meet deadlines. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best wishes in the admissions process.

Step 1: Minimum eligibility requirements

  1. Grade point average requirement
  2. Academic prerequisites
    1. Verifying your prerequisite course work
  3. Computer literacy requirement
  4. Intern license requirement
  5. Criminal background check

Step 2: The application

  1. PharmCAS application
    1. About submitting applicant recommendations
  2. UCSF Application Processing Fee
  3. Checklist: Transcripts
  4. Advanced Placement tests
  5. Your contact information
  6. About reapplying

Step 3: The interview process

An opportunity to demonstrate your communication skills.

Step 4: After applying

About your admission status

Your administrative responsibilities

After submitting your application:

  1. Submit copies of your transcripts on schedule as described in Checklist: Transcripts
  2. Notify us of any change of address, telephone, e-mail, or course schedule:

    1. Your contact information
    2. Change of course schedule
  3. If applicable, withdraw your application

More on this topic in our admissions director’s blog

Although not required reading, you’ll find additional comments in Off and running… in search of authenticity!, a blog post by Admissions Director Joel W. Gonzales.

Go to: Admissions Overview