Categories: Education

Update from the Dean: Eyeing a return

Our COVID-19 response: Dean Guglielmo provides an update on School activities and a careful return to campus

UCSF PharmD Class of 2020 celebrates an end and welcomes a new beginning

The PharmD Class of 2020 improvised a graduation celebration online in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic

UCSF PharmD students achieve highest 2020 residency match rate in the country

The School's PharmD Class of 2020 earned the top residency match rate in the country

PharmD students organize PPE drives for hospitals to fight COVID-19

Student pharmacists collect protective gear for front-line health care providers during the pandemic.

2020 Mary Anne Koda-Kimble Seed Award for Innovation fuels vital research across the School

The award funds the boldest, riskiest, and most blue-sky ideas.

School’s PharmD program rises to second place in national rankings

The new ranking comes on the heels of the School's recent update to its PharmD curriculum.

Assemi wins award for work on PharmD experiential education

Mitra Assemi, PharmD, was honored for her research on the hands-on components of pharmacy curricula around the U.S.

PharmD degree program art highlights science, focus on patients

The UCSF School of Pharmacy recently installed wall art featuring the values of the School’s doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) degree program.

Class of 2022 gets their white coats and takes the Oath of a Pharmacist

Members of the UC San Francisco doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) Class of 2022 took a formal step into their new careers on August 30, symbolically donning the white coat of health care professionals and taking the Oath of a Pharmacist at a ceremony in Cole Hall on the UCSF Parnassus campus.

School of Pharmacy welcomes the Class of 2022

The Class of 2022 is the School of Pharmacy’s second cohort to embark on a newly revamped curriculum.
