Categories: Patient Care

Students consider pros and cons of conscience clauses

Should pharmacists be allowed to refuse to fill a prescription on moral or ethical grounds? Listen to what UCSF pharmacy students have to say about conscience clause legislation now being proposed in 12 states in the US. Voice your personal opinion in an online poll.

Vogt named first presidential chair

The School of Pharmacy at the University of California, San Francisco is pleased to announce the appointment of Eleanor M. Vogt, RPh, PhD as UCSF Presidential Chair and Visiting Professor in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy.

Students study global pharmacy practices

The practice horizons of today's doctor of pharmacy students at UCSF extend around the globe because of a special seminar taught by John Inciardi, PharmD, a faculty member in the department of clinical pharmacy and expert on international pharmacy practice. • Full story: Panorama: The World of...

Depression Rx: involve more pharmacists


Pharmacists can help spot depression, improve drug therapy outcomes, lower health care costs, and reduce the risk of suicide among depressed patients.

Koda-Kimble receives Rho Chi Award

Mary Anne Koda-Kimble, PharmD, dean of the UCSF School of Pharmacy, is the 2004 recipient of the Rho Chi Society Lecture Award. The award was presented March 28, 2004 in Seattle, Washington, USA, during the annual meeting of the American Pharmacists Association.

Soller appointed executive director of Consumer Self Care Center

R. William Soller, PhD is the new director of the Center for Consumer Self Care, UCSF School of Pharmacy. The Center supports research on consumer behavior and health policy issues related to prescription and non-prescription medicines and dietary supplements.

Is California prepared for a public health emergency?

The California Poison Control System (CPCS), a unit of the School of Pharmacy, Department of Clinical Pharmacy at the University of California, San Francisco in conjunction with the California's Statewide Area Health Education Center Program (AHEC) has been awarded a US$1.5 million federal grant to...

Follow-up care proves valuable, studies show

Two studies conducted by UCSF School of Pharmacy researchers demonstrate how follow-up care by pharmacists can help patients adhere to their medications, decrease the number of return visits, and increase patient satisfaction. For more information, see UCSF Magazine, "L is for Listening," August...

Overused antibiotics fueling microbe resistance

Cipro and related broad spectrum antibiotics are being over-prescribed, accelerating bacterial resistance to the drugs and reducing their ability to treat infections, according to recently presented research findings by UCSF School of Pharmacy clinical scientist Joseph Guglielmo, PharmD. For more...

Health care providers to receive smoking cessation training

Pharmacy school faculties across the United States will be trained to teach a tobacco cessation curriculum to Doctor of Pharmacy students, and community pharmacists and physicians will be trained to work as a close-knit team when it comes to helping their patients quit smoking because of two...
