Categories: Research

Year in Review: Top 5 Milestones of 2024

Here are some of the standout moments from 2024 that drove our commitment to leadership in research, education, patient care, and innovation, all aimed at expanding knowledge and enhancing health worldwide.

Alumni Spotlight: Constant Change from Bench to Veterinary Pharmacy

Marcos Contreras, PharmD ’05, MBA, transitioned from medicinal chemistry to pharmacy after an interview at UCSF School of Pharmacy. Leveraging his sterile compounding skills, he moved into nuclear pharmacy and earned an MBA, leading to his role as director of pharmacy at UC Davis Veterinary Medical...

Alumni Spotlight: PharmD Excels in Industry Project Management

Playing to his interpersonal and technical strengths, Christopher Nowak, PharmD, PMP, Class of ‘22, says UCSF’s pharmacy curriculum has helped him thrive at AstraZeneca Rare Disease.

UCSF School of Pharmacy ranked 1st in California, 2nd in nation

Leadership in research and innovation paired with an ever-evolving course of study keeps pace with diverse and dynamic careers in pharmacy and beyond.

School of Pharmacy leads in NIH funding for the 44th straight year

School researchers netted $36.7M from 65 grants, fueling efforts spanning drug discovery, bioengineering, pharmacokinetics, clinical pharmacy, and more.

PharmD program creates new opportunities to explore industry and research career paths

Students keep pace with latest innovations through experiential options and advanced degrees.

A budding partnership with Korean regulatory science pharmacists

A delegation from South Korea visited to sign a Memorandum of Understand (MOU) initiating potential collaborations between UCSF and Korean schools of pharmacy.

Scaling up the bioartificial kidney at UCSF

On June 12, The Kidney Project was awarded a $1 million Artificial Kidney Prize from KidneyX for advancing its prototype bioartificial kidney toward a full-sized, human scale, with manufacturing and ultimately clinical trials on the horizon.

Making sense of scents

UCSF researchers capture the first images of an odorant binding to an olfactory receptor.
