Categories: Research

Map of protein systems reveals new targets for cancer treatment

Scientists at the UCSF Quantitative Biosciences institute developed a new approach for understanding cancer and applied it to breast cancer and cancers of the neck and head

Burchard delivers Faculty Research Lecture in Clinical Science

Esteban G. Burchard, MD, MPH, delivered the 20th Annual Faculty Research Lecture in Clinical Science on November 2.

Greener freezers for a greener future

The UCSF School of Pharmacy and Supply Chain Management work to halve the carbon footprint of ultra-low temperature storage

Giacomini wins 2021 Distinguished Pharmaceutical Scientist Award

Giacomini earns the highest honor given by the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists.

How cells multitask: the magic of molecular switches

Research unearths new details about the protein networks that keep cells healthy

The Kidney Project successfully tests a prototype bioartificial kidney

The Kidney Project earned a $650,000 award for a successful demonstration of its artificial kidney

Data-driven drug dosing speeds tuberculosis treatment to four months

A large trial of a new drug regimen for tuberculosis, designed in part by School researchers, leads to a new WHO recommendation for treating the disease.

QBI continues research efforts to stave off future surges of COVID-19

Research into SARS-CoV-2 variants and potential therapies pushes forward

Helium recycling project sets a new standard for sustainability at UCSF

The School is now recycling much of the helium used in its NMR facilities.

Regulatory DNA opens a window through time

Research on Neanderthal DNA reveals new details about our evolutionary cousins
