
Mon Dec 7, 2009

Helene Levens Lipton, PhD, faculty member in the UCSF School of Pharmacy, presents data in support of including pharmacists in the medical home model of health care. Her editorial appears in the November 23, 2009 issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine.

Press Release: Team-Based Care and Medical Homes May...
Mon Nov 2, 2009

Takeda San Francisco, Inc., announced September 21, 2009 that it has entered into a sponsored collaboration with UCSF to support antibody-related research in the laboratory of Charles S. Craik, PhD, faculty member in the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, UCSF School of Pharmacy. Craik will be the...

Fri Oct 16, 2009

UCSF researcher Deanna Kroetz, PhD, discusses the impact of genetic differences on how an individual responds to drugs in a KQED Quest radio interview that aired September 14, 2009. Fellow members of the interview panel were UCSF Chancellor Susan Desmond-Hellmann, MD, MPH, and UCSF breast cancer surgeon...

Fri Oct 16, 2009

Breast cancer patients might not be getting full advantage from a genetic screening test for the protein known as HER2 to help determine if the use of trastuzumab (marketed as Herceptin) is the best course of treatment for them. For patients whose breast cancer cells produce excessive amounts of HER2, trastuzumab can be highly effective. These...

Thu Oct 15, 2009

Scientists from the UCSF School of Pharmacy's Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry have been selected to lead a new federal initiative aimed at developing new classes of drugs to target cancer.

According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), "To advance the NCI's mission of bringing novel therapies to patients, and to fully exploit...

Wed Oct 14, 2009

UCSF School of Pharmacy researchers and colleagues have successfully created a mathematical model that genetically programs bacteria and causes the bacteria to "trace" images projected onto them in a petri dish. The bacteria sense and display the area of the projection where light meets dark by producing a visible black pigment. The result is...

Wed Sep 30, 2009

UCSF School of Pharmacy researcher Lisa Bero, PhD, served with UCSF School of Medicine colleagues Bernard Lo, MD, and Deborah Grady, MD, MPH, on an Institute of Medicine (IOM) committee that in spring 2009 published its findings on conflict of interest in medical research, education, and...

Fri Sep 18, 2009

Mitra Assemi, PharmD, UCSF School of Pharmacy associate professor of clinical pharmacy, has been named the School's assistant dean of accreditation and quality, effective September 1, 2009.

"Mitra has the perfect qualifications for this pivotal position. She understands the complexities of the PharmD program and its...

Tue Sep 8, 2009

Donald Kishi, PharmD, UCSF School of Pharmacy health sciences clinical professor of pharmacy, has been named the School's associate dean of student and curricular affairs by Dean Mary Anne Koda-Kimble, PharmD. The appointment was effective September 1, 2009.

As associate dean, Kishi is responsible for...