
Fri Apr 4, 2003

Irwin (Tack) D. Kuntz, PhD, professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, UCSF School of Pharmacy has been named the 2003 Volwiler Research Achievement Award recipient by the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP).

The award is presented annually in recognition of outstanding achievement by an AACP...

Thu Mar 6, 2003

A plan seeded in 1996 by the World Health Organization for an international agreement, [Framework Convention on Tobacco Control] [link defunct]," is undergoing final discussions by member states before submission to the World Health Assembly in May. The plan outlines a global regulatory system aimed at controlling the tobacco pandemic, which,...

Thu Mar 6, 2003

UCSF faculty members voted last December 52% to 48% to no longer accept funds from manufacturers of tobacco products or their subsidiaries. Those in favor of the ban argued that UCSF must oppose tobacco industry funding of academia since the health sciences campus is a leader in tobacco control policies and the fight against nicotine addiction...

Mon Mar 3, 2003
Who is Leslie Wilson?

Leslie Wilson specializes in health economics and health policy and is an associate adjunct professor in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy. She received her Masters in Medical Surgical and Psychiatric Nursing at University of Massachusetts and a PhD in Health Economics from the University of Maryland. Prior to joining...

Mon Feb 3, 2003
California budget deficit leads to UC cuts and student fee increases. Scientists move in to Mission Bay. 2003 PharmD applications up 32% over 2002. ACPE Accreditation approved. Exit survey and post-graduate survey results. Honors and awards (The Annals of Pharmacotherapy, Kuntz, Pohorille, Nguyen, Whitely).
Thu Jan 2, 2003

Tom James, PhD, chair of the department of pharmaceutical chemistry, UCSF School of Pharmacy, is looking for new drug models that act directly on RNA rather than protein, where most drug work is now being done. Why? See UCSF Magazine, "X is for Marking the Spot," August 2002.

Thu Jan 2, 2003

The tobacco industry was the silent partner behind a study to refute an influential 1981 Japanese research study about the harmful effects of passive smoke, according to UCSF School of Pharmacy tobacco policy scientist Lisa Bero, PhD and her colleague Mi-Kyung Hong, MPH. For more information,...

Thu Jan 2, 2003

Two studies conducted by UCSF School of Pharmacy researchers demonstrate how follow-up care by pharmacists can help patients adhere to their medications, decrease the number of return visits, and increase patient satisfaction. For more information, see UCSF Magazine, "L is for Listening," August 2002.

Mon Oct 7, 2002

When evaluated by perception, funding for science, and scientific publication rates, the UCSF School of Pharmacy ranked number one in all criteria according to a September 2002 survey reported in The Annals of Pharmacotherapy.

For more information, see Ranking of US pharmacy schools based on perception, funding, and...